
Posts Tagged ‘family’

Essential Vitamins

I just listened to one of my favorite sermons by Tommy Nelson, pastor of Denton Bible Church. My friend Chris Hill gave it to me a long time ago and I try and listen to it once a year to evaluate where we are as a family. The sermon gives 8 essentials for raising your children. I wanted to share those with you and some simple notes for each:

House of Peace- don’t expect your child to submit if you do not submit to your Heavenly Father.

Time- listen and laugh.

Truth- read your child Bible stories so they know the truth.

Examples- do you live what you teach.

Esteem- lift up a standard and love them.

Acceptance- they will get it from you or someone else.

Affection- we want to be in the presence of people who love us.

Discipline- we don’t like it because it takes time.

What essentials are missing from your house? What essentials are being given daily? Great questions to consider on your journey.

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